How Long Does a Concrete Pole Last?

When deciding between wooden and concrete fence posts, it's important to consider all factors. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each material and how long they last.

How Long Does a Concrete Pole Last?

Concrete is a highly durable building material that can last up to 20 years with minimal maintenance. However, it is not immune to wear and tear caused by excessive wind and rain, which can cause the poles to splinter and expose the interior wire reinforcements, weakening the structure. To prevent this, it is important to ensure that any moisture that gets between the concrete and the bottom of the pole is able to seep away from the bottom of the pole. Adding an ornate wooden fence cover can also add a touch of class that concrete poles cannot provide.

Wooden poles are often made from immature trees with a considerable amount of soft heartwood and sapwood on the outside. This makes them less durable than concrete poles, which are reinforced with 10mm or 12mm mild steel. Wooden poles are also more susceptible to thieves, who can easily slide the fence panels out of position. In comparison, concrete fence posts are much more secure and require less regular maintenance.

When it comes to appearance, wooden fence posts create a much more natural effect than their concrete counterpart. However, DuraPost is a stronger alternative to both wood and concrete fence posts and is guaranteed to last up to 25 years. It is also worth noting that when installing concrete fence posts, it is best to use a percussion or tire driver for best results. At the end of the day, it is important to consider all factors when deciding between wooden and concrete fence posts.

Both materials have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to weigh up all options before making a decision.

Riley Ryan
Riley Ryan

Subtly charming twitter aficionado. Evil web trailblazer. Total beer trailblazer. Professional bacon maven. Prone to fits of apathy. Alcohol fanatic.