The Best Solutions for Spalling Concrete

Learn about different solutions for spalling concrete from an expert's perspective. Find out which products are best for thin layers or larger areas of damage.

The Best Solutions for Spalling Concrete

Quikrete Re-Cap Concrete Resurfacer is a polymer-modified Portland cement product that is specifically designed to repair thin layers and restore the appearance of concrete. You can apply it to chipped concrete as thin as a sixteenth of an inch or as thick as half an inch. For larger areas of pitting and chipping, we recommend using a 100% epoxy concrete patch with an aggregate of sand. The silica sand is mixed with the epoxy to act as a filler. The Legacy Industrial 5-ton epoxy patch kit is a great example of this.

Mix one part Portland Type 1 cement and one part fine sand by volume. Add water until the mixture has the consistency of a thick paint, then apply it to the wet concrete. In order for this stucco to permanently adhere to chipped concrete, the old concrete must be clean and solid, with all loose concrete peeled off. If you find sawn concrete and are uncertain how old the concrete is or how and when it was poured, consider consulting a structural engineer or similar professional to assess the structural integrity of the surface. Chipping can also be avoided if the concrete is handled with care and appropriate techniques are used when pouring, such as providing adequate concrete cover (embedding) of the reinforcing bar and placing joints in the right places and at the right distances.

No doubt, you've seen plenty of concrete sidewalks, floors, and patios that have been sprinkled with de-icing salt for years, and yet there's no splintering. When doing repairs to your garage floor, be sure to pay close attention to the mixing instructions and tips that come with the product. Over the course of a winter, or over the years, as the internal pressure increases and decreases, the surface layer of the concrete tightens, causing chipping. The good thing about polymer-modified cement products is that they are quite easy to work with and adhere much better than standard concrete mix. Repairing a garage floor with holes or chips can be intimidating because most people don't know what to use or how to start.

Solutions for chipping vary depending on the severity of the problem, the type and location of the concrete structure, and other factors. Another key factor to consider is concrete mixing, as excess water content can also cause chipping. In general, the depth of damage is usually less than ¼ for chipping and ½ for some bites. The coating material simply spreads over the existing chipped concrete surface to create a crisp, flawless finish. Splinters can appear because the rebar has been exposed and moisture and water have started to rust, or because concrete joints were not properly constructed. When it comes to spalling concrete, there are several solutions available depending on your needs.

Quikrete Re-Cap Concrete Resurfacer is an excellent choice for thin layers of damage while Legacy Industrial 5-ton epoxy patch kits are ideal for larger areas. It's important to pay close attention to mixing instructions and tips that come with each product in order to ensure a successful repair job.

Riley Ryan
Riley Ryan

Subtly charming twitter aficionado. Evil web trailblazer. Total beer trailblazer. Professional bacon maven. Prone to fits of apathy. Alcohol fanatic.