Everything You Need to Know About Fixing Cracks in Concrete

Cracks in concrete can be caused by tree roots and soil movement, as well as freeze-thaw cycles in winter and expansion during the summer. Learn how to repair small and large cracks in concrete surfaces with this comprehensive guide.

Everything You Need to Know About Fixing Cracks in Concrete

Wide cracks in concrete can be a real eyesore, but they can also be a sign of deeper damage. To keep your driveway, patio, or other concrete surfaces looking their best, it's important to understand the causes of concrete cracks and the best ways to repair them. Concrete is a durable material, but it's not immune to damage. Tree roots, soil movement, and freeze-thaw cycles can all cause cracks in concrete.

In some cases, these cracks can be repaired with a simple DIY project. In others, you may need to call in a professional contractor. To repair small cracks, you can use a vinyl concrete patching compound. For larger cracks, you'll need to use a concrete repair mix.

These are readily available at home centers and online. Options include epoxy compounds, latex patching material, and mortar mixes. The latter option works best for filling large cracks or chipped edges. When professionals do the job, they use an excavator or skid steer with a jackhammer attachment or just a regular jackhammer.

Once the repair work is complete, it's time to apply a thin layer of concrete resurfacing over the entire roadway. In Australia, elastomeric masonry crack filler is most commonly applied with a caulking gun to fix narrow cracks in concrete. It's important to note that improper removal of top soil and concrete subfloor can be the cause of some more serious problems. When you go to install a new floor, you must fix any concrete cracks you find to protect the integrity of the floor. By following these steps, you can easily repair your driveway surfaces and improve its appearance while protecting it from the elements. If your driveway, patio or other concrete surface has cracks, they can often be repaired.

Riley Ryan
Riley Ryan

Subtly charming twitter aficionado. Evil web trailblazer. Total beer trailblazer. Professional bacon maven. Prone to fits of apathy. Alcohol fanatic.