How to Repair and Seal Cracks in Concrete

Learn how to repair and seal cracks in concrete with expert tips from our professionals. Find out what type of concrete mix works best for patching large or deep areas.

How to Repair and Seal Cracks in Concrete

Wide cracks in concrete can be easily fixed and sealed with a concrete patch compound. This compound is usually mixed with water and applied with a trowel. To repair any cracks and damaged areas, pour enough dry concrete mix into a 5 gallon bucket. For smaller or shallow areas, sand mixture or concrete resurfacing without gravel can be used.

For larger or deeper areas, a standard concrete mix containing gravel is the best option. When mixing the concrete, contractors can add extra water to make it easier to install. However, this will reduce the strength of the concrete and eventually cause shrinkage cracks. Rapid drying of concrete can also lead to cracks. To ensure that the concrete patch compound is properly applied, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

The area should be cleaned and any loose debris should be removed before applying the patch. The patch should be applied in layers and allowed to dry before adding additional layers. Once the patch has been applied, it should be sealed with a sealant to protect it from moisture and other elements.

Riley Ryan
Riley Ryan

Subtly charming twitter aficionado. Evil web trailblazer. Total beer trailblazer. Professional bacon maven. Prone to fits of apathy. Alcohol fanatic.